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The U3A Caen Exchange.

Fiona Brown & Jean Barrow

In April 2018 members of the U3A here in Portsmouth went on a visit to Caen. Jean and Fiona have supplied photographs and an article for our news blog. All about twinning in action... Do you want to get involved too? Then e-mail us

Twinning in action

Twinning in Portsmouth and Caen is alive and thriving especially among the older generation who, now retired, are free to brush up their language skills while making friends across the Channel.

Since 2004 Portsmouth U3A has been twinned with Caen UIA and, each Spring around 22 individuals, some couples, some single, make a 4 day visit, staying in the homes of their hosts. A few have been involved from the beginning, other new people are welcomed each year. Lifelong friendships have been formed and good will abounds.

Last month it was our turn to go to Caen and we were treated to a full day out in Giverney, admiring Monet's house, stunning garden and museum; we had a guided tour of the Abbaye aux Hommes and Hôtel de Ville in Caen, where we were welcomed by the Mayor's assistant and we visited the Château de Creully which served as General Montgomery's HQ and BBC radio broadcasting tower during D-Day.

Evening meals were "en famille" except for the gala dinner in a local restaurant which was rounded off with the usual sing-song of traditional and pop songs in French and English. This year we were thrilled to be entertained by the a capella group Veni, Vidi, Canto, one of whom is the daughter of a couple on the French organising team.

This group are hoping the Caen Portsmouth Friendship group can help to fulfil their dream of performing in Portsmouth in 2019. Who knows? This could be the beginning of a new Portsmouth/Caen twinning between millennials!

Fiona Brown

Photos supplied by Fiona Brown:

Photos below supplied by Jean Barrow:

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